SBS Navigator


SBS Navigator

Your Funding Development Tools

Are you facing challenges with grant writing? Do you need to speed up the process of grant writing? Do you struggle with crafting a compelling proposal? Reporting? Do you spend too much time trying to find the right funding solutions for yourself or your clients? Do you need assistance with writing LOIs, LOSs, or MOUs? Perhaps you require support from an experienced team of grant writers but have a low operating budget.

SBS Navigator is here to help. Our comprehensive fund development tools combine AI, expert guidance, time-saving measures, and a vast database of funding opportunities. Whether you're an experienced grant writer or just starting out, let us simplify your path to success!

The SBS Navigator provides a range of tools to simplify your grant writing process. Explore the key tools we've developed for you.

  • Grant Proposal Tools: These tools empower you to write budget narratives, craft full proposal templates, generate implementation plans, edit individual grant or contract sections, and much more.
  • Reporting Tools: Utilize this tool to generate reporting documents and spreadsheets efficiently to streamline your reporting efforts and save time.
  • Fund Search Tool: Discover Federal Grants, Contracts, and Foundation Funding, all in one place.
  • Editing Tools: Enhance your editing process with SBS editing tools or get personal assistance from the SBS team.
  • Advanced Tools: Explore advanced features including LOI, LOS, MOU generation, advanced section writing, and more.
  • Fundraising Tool: Coming soon we will provide you with all the tools you will need to effectively execute your next fundraiser and meet your financial goals.

Stonerock Business Solutions provides three subscription plans for the SBS Navigator. Explore the details of each plan and their respective inclusions below.

We're excited about the possibilities the SBS Navigator brings to your fund development journey. It's designed to simplify the process, making it easier for you to write compelling proposals, and achieve better results. Ready to see how it works? Click the link below to learn more and start using the Navigator.

SBS Navigator Link.